Wednesday, 17 December 2014

4.4 The Central Processing Unit & the Machine Cycle

The CPU, for central processing unit, is the “brain” of the computer; it follows the instructions of the software (program) to manipulate data into information.
The CPU consists of two parts—(1) the control unit and (2) the arithmetic/logic unit (ALU), both of which contain registers, or high-speed storage areas.

All are linked by a kind of electronic “roadway” called a bus.
For every instruction, the control unit carries out four basic operations, known as the machine cycle. In the machine cycle, the CPU (1) fetches an instruction, (2) decodes the instruction, (3) executes the instruction, and (4) stores the result

The arithmetic/logic unit (ALU) performs arithmetic operations and logical operations and controls the speed of those operations.
Arithmetic operations are the fundamental math operations: addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division.
Logical operations are comparisons--the ALU compares two pieces of data to see whether one is equal to ( = ), greater than (>), greater than or equal to ( >= ), less than (<), less than or equal to ( <= ), or not equal to ( ) the other.
The control unit and the ALU also use registers, special CPU areas that enhance the computer’s performance.
Registers are high-speed storage areas that temporarily store data during processing. They
 may store a program instruction while it is being decoded, store data while it is being
 processed by the ALU, or store the results of a calculation.
All data must be represented in a register before it can be processed.
The number of registers that a CPU has and the size of each (number of bits) help
 determine the power and speed of a CPU.
Buses are electrical data “roadways” through which bits are transmitted within the CPU
 and between the CPU and other components of the motherboard.
In most computers, the bus width is the same as the computer’s word size, the number of
 bits that the processor can process at any one time. The more bits in a word, usually the
 faster the computer. A 32-bit-word computer will transfer data within each microprocessor
 chip in 32-bit chunks. A 64-bit-word computer is faster, transferring data in 64-bit chunks at
 a time. (Most, but not all, 32-bit software will run on a 64-bit system, but 64-bit software will
 not run on a 32-bit system.)

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